開幕酒會:6 / 9 / 2015 (星期日) 3:00pm -7:00pm
展期 : 6-30 / 9 / 2015 (逢星期一及 26, 27 日休息)
地點:Part-of Gallery 香港灣仔適安街 16 號地下(皇后大道東 99 號傍)
參展藝術家:Rainbo (Hong Kong) / MT (Hainan) / Mizi (Guangzhou) / Ting (Shanghai) / Diskr (Guangzhou) / Satr (Guangzhou)
於 2013 年成立,來自天南地北的女子塗鴉團隊 CGG 六名成員第一次聯展,首站香港。
是次聯展選在地理位置獨厚的 Part of Gallery,因為除了室內展廳將會展出二十餘件畫作
“Yo girls graffiti exhibition 2015”
Opening party : 6 / 9 / 2015 (Sun) 3:00pm – 7:00pm
Date : 6 – 30 / 9 / 2015 (close on 26, 27 & every Mon)
Time : 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Venue : Part-of Gallery, G/F, 16 Sik On Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong (next to no.99 Queen’s Road East)
Artist : Rainbo (Hong Kong) / MT (Hainan) / Mizi (Guangzhou) / Ting (Shanghai) / Diskr (Guangzhou) / Satr (Guangzhou)
CGG Crew (China Graffiti Girls) was established in 2013 by six Hong Kong and China-based female graffiti artists. Hong Kong is the debut group exhibition and first stop.
Graffiti scene in Asia has grown significantly for over a decade, but street art still tends to be a male-dominated art form. In the last ten years, a growing number of Chinese female graffiti artists are embracing the medium and getting good attention. These active graffiti artists gradually developed their own unique styles. Their works demonstrated their ultra feminine characters and viewpoints. Differ from their fellow male artists, their themes, colors, letters and characters are more delicate, soft and filled with emotions.
Part of Gallery situated in a unique spot that allows artists to create their graffiti murals freely. In addition to the 5 murals in the outdoor space, there are over 20 pieces of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, graffiti artworks and installations on display. Live painting sessions will also be held during the opening reception; audiences will be able to see how graffiti murals are created and gain further understanding of this sub-art culture.
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